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ESSENTIAL website navigation/menu/info??

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Im trying to finalize my website for my Personal music career (not nessisarily a band, just my personal songs/any work i do with outside bands/etc) and I want to know what you guys think is needed for like website "navigation/menu" crap.


What I have so far.. News, Presskit/Photos, About/bio, Media (songs/vids), Shows (prev/upcoming), Gear (im a gearhead, listing all my gear), Musical Resume, Merchandise (unsure of this one), Contact info, Links


Anything that seems to be missing/would be beneficial to add?

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I'd suggest making it simpler. Coming from a graphic/web design background, I think too much in your menu could just look sloppy.


Media could cover pics, video, music, a press kit available for download.


News could be covered on the front page or call it a blog and just update that whenever you want.


If I were helping design your site, those are what I'd suggest. I'd be sure you consider the order of your menu, so that people are more likely to look at what you consider important.


Obviously your "Home" would be first, but where do you want them to go from there? I'd think links could go last (and be sure you set each link up as a pop-up, so you don't send visitors off your page). Your "About/Bio" should go second. Probably "Events" (it covers more than shows this way) should go next. "Media" would be my next stop. From there, I'd do "Merch" and then your "Musical Resume" if you feel that you can't cover that in your "About/Bio" section. A contact form is ideal so people can just fill out their info and a message right from your page. "Gear" would go just before links because it's probably no where near as important to visitors as it is you.


Take what I say how you will. Just offering up how I'd do it if it were my personal site.


Feel free to PM me if you'd like to further discuss it.


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