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  1. There actually *is* a website that identifies some famous sounds, this one. Of course, not everything is captured.
  2. It just shows the ACLU's agenda against christianity - like in that case in Kentucky when they had a Nativity scene removed and allowed all the other religion's holiday demonstrations to stay in place. They specifically target christianity in most cases. It's probably because Christianity, as the dominant religion in this country, tends to be a bit more intertwined in government than others. Let me know when you see city land erect a statue of Buddha or Vishnu, in other words. We'll see if the ACLU plays fair at that point.
  3. I could kill foetuses all day long if I felt it was for a good cause. But could you listen to Foetus all day long if you wanted to?
  4. If I want to pay for a memorial with my money, and not the government's money, why should I not be allowed to put a cross to pay respect to fallen christian soldiers? You can, on your property. Public land = taxpayers' property. That's like saying, I can't put flowers on my grandma's grave unless I put flowers on EVERYBODY's grave. Most cemetary lots typically are your property, and/or are leased from a church. Whatever the case, flowers or religious symbols are not a problem. Furthermore, as demonstrated with military graves, the ACLU (in most cases, as I said sometimes they are just too nitpicky) has no problem with displays of religious symbols as long as it is kept at a personal expression level. The fact that it's a government's site takes second stage to the fact that there are human beings in that place and those human beings don't belong to any government and should be honored yes this makes me mad. I am aware of no buried soldiers within the Mount Soledad memorial. Also, consider that they tried to sell the property to a private entity and the same people who launched the lawsuit didn't let that happen through legal means (according to the media, at least - I didn't go seek for that case). Actually, San Diego citizens voted a resolution to transfer the cross to private property down. That's puzzling to me. Would've solved a lot.
  5. The lawsuit was started by an atheist, not a jewish organization. Nope. But even if it was the case that a jewish group didn't like it, they would just put a Star of David (or whatever jewish symbol they liked) there if they wanted to honor the jewish soldiers. Sure, if you put up a giant statue of all American religions. That would be a lot of religions. Got to admit, a giant statue of Bob would be awesome. Transfer the memorial to a private property, of course, and no one will complain.
  6. I don't really want to waste time going after all their cases, but they are all over the US fighting cases like this: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=45472 Apparently crosses in cemetery memorials are offensive to our civil liberties. Well, apparently this cross was offensive to the Jewish War Veterans of America. *shrug* The ACLU is pretty literal about their amendments. They see a cross on government property -- without any *other* religious symbols acknowledged -- as violating the First Amendment. From a strict standpoint, the ACLU is right. Contrary to the right-wing belief, they have no problem with religious symbols on, say, military tombstones, that reflect the individual belief of the fallen soldier. The ACLU is a bit overly nit-picky IMHO; however their fundamental drive is not "anti-Christian", unless you are one of those that would desire a "Christian government" concept.
  7. I mean none of the fruits of Capitalism even come close to the success of Socialized Medicine which is universally supported in every first world country except the US- Well, we're half-socialized already (Medicare, Medicaid, subsidies to companies for health insurance, government-directed structures, free emergency care). It's basically a matter of covering the gaps and controlling costs now -- a fact lost in the "I don't want a socialist system!" debate. The word "socialist" is so overdone in this country. I heard an amusing story from someone I know, where an Alaskan inlaw called Obama a "socialist!", and later got antsy because his Alaskan Permanent Fund check hadn't arrived yet.
  8. Obama has said on record that on the first day in office he wants to sign up the Freedom of Choice act which effectively takes away what little the states have to say about abortion, and it's very clear he will appoint ACLU-linked people to the Supreme Court. So obviously regardless of what Dobson says or doesn't say (I don't have time to read a letter that big when I already made my mind about the subject), I also have an idea of how an Obama administration will set back Christian values in society. I happen to want to vote against such thing, I believe it's my democratic right, isn't it? It is, but it is also my right to question how opposition to "the ACLU" (whatever that is) and abortion have become "Christian values".
  9. It's always about "Jesus hatemongers", "pseudo-christian idiots" and all that stuff. Every leftist I know blames evangelical christians for 8 years of Bush administration, and thinks that literal bible belief is what makes Palin an abomination (I also believe the bible literally, am pro-life, etc). But go on, I guess my attempt to derail the thread has failed Um, guess what: even other right-wing types are starting to do the same thing. Let us say nothing about the Christian religion as a whole: it is how Christianity has coupled itself into politics in America. In order to be Christian, do you *have* to oppose homosexuality and abortion? Heck, in order to be Christian, do you *have* to be Republican? No, you don't have to. Yet the populist pundits are coming damn close to stating such things. James Dobson's hysterical letter on a future America with Obama is a classic point. What's "Christian" about this letter? Heck, what's "family" about this letter? This is fearmongering, plain and simple -- 100% apocalyptic politics. There are kinder and gentler Christian religions, even fundie ones, out there -- I actually think that the influence of Dobson dogma is starting to die. However, dislike of American Christianity will continue until Christian politics -- especially the anti-intellectual type, and the type too tied to rural WASP identity politics instead of the Bible -- fades to the background.
  10. Are you worried about your job? Not really. Ability to pay rent or mortgage?Yeah, prepared well for that. Your retirement / 401k? Down but still solid. Meh. Are you putting off purchases? I'm mainly putting off purchases because my studio is stuffed. I don't have room for anything else, frankly. Is it altering your income directly from music? Income from music? What's that. Actually, that's more dependent on whether I re-enter the cover band scene. Are you worried about a prolonged recession?Not really.
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