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Groovy saxophone blues?

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Hey guys!



I have been googling myself mad but I have had no luck in my quest.


I heard this really groovy blues song, at an airport starbucks. Regretfully, I never asked them what the song was. I have wanted to find it ever since.


As I recall there was a saxophone playing a groovy bassline, accompanied by a guitar, and there was a african-american singer (as far as I heard anyway). I forgot what he was singing about though, but it was strengthening, poweful.



so simply saxophone (probably a baritone), guitar and drums, the saxophone playing a groovy bassline and the guitar acompanying it, probably playing a solo somewhere as well.


If you know any song that fits these criteria - please tell me the song name and artist! one of you is bound to be right, otherwise I might just find a new favourite artist =)



thanks in advance:wave:

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