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OT Military base applies LEAN process to the LEAN team.

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Got a chuckle out of this. The military base I work at has a process called LEAN that evaluates work procedures to determine if a task can be done more safely, efficiently, etc......It was recently determined that the local LEAN team's efforts were causing more time to be wasted in experimenting with their suggestions than was being saved. As a result, base command reduced (Leaned) THEIR operation. I know one of the guys on the team personally, we go back about 40 years together. I feel kinda bad for him right now.  

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Once upon a time, efficiency was measured by people called BOSSES, who started at the bottom, and with hard work, luck, and some subterfuge made it to management. They knew the job, so they could judge efficiency well, and as they succeeded and moved up the ladder, so did those below them who were the best and brightest.

This is a true story. Really.

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Climbing the corporate ladder is similar to a bunch of monkeys climbing a tree all trying to make it to the top.


If you do make it to the top and look down all you see are smiling faces looking up at you.


But if you are at the bottom and look up, all you see are a bunch of a-holes.




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Last place I worked had Six Sigma when I started. People would huddle in a conference room and speak in tongues. Lot's of catered food was brought in, so it wasn't a total waste, as the leftovers landed in the lunch room. Otherwise absolutely nothing useful ever came out of the room, including (especially) the participants. The division I worked in reorganized every year, had big layoffs twice in under 4 years (I was lucky enough to participate in the last one) and pretty much never made money. At some point they went to "Lean Combine" so they had some kind of merger of Six Sigma with Lean. I wonder if they laid off any of the "redundant" Sigma's or Leaners.....

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