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Make Good Art

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I`ve been finishing one record and contemplating the next one...


One of the most exciting things I experience as an artist is the empty page or a DAW file that is still a blank space.


I`ve been in a creative funk the last few years, not because I`m experiencing "writers block" but because I`m not sure if its worth my time any more... even my wife asked me why I was putting my next record out on CD.... then she backed off a bit and said, "You know I always support you but who`s buying CDs?" I agree. Who the hell is buying CDs anymore? Who the hell is buying music anymore? I said to her.


So why the hell do I care so much about the levels of vocals in a song or the guitars? Why should I care so much about the bass tone? Why do I care so much about the lyrics that I`m writing that no one will even read?


Then I found this video.... @ 17:20, I realized why I still care. We live in a time that changes before we can grasp the new new which is now old so I need to stop worrying about who exactly is listening and just make good art. What is good art? If it makes me or you feel something divine and inspires us in some way, I guess its good. At least thats my definition of it.


Make mistakes, break rules, make the world more interesting, make good art... check it out.




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