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Hey..Recently I've been practicing to sing along while playing the guitar. I was wondering if anybody knew any good tutorial lessons online anywhere. My biggest problem is making a higher pitch sound with my voice. I seem to sound more bassy and low. I want to be able to dinamically reach higher notes and go back down. same idea as the singer of system of a down..but not exactly. Everytime I try to reach higher notes my voice will crack or just nothing will come out. Its hard to explain.

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The answer is quite simple; your voice isn't strong enough yet. It takes practice. And for some of us, it takes a lot of practice. I've discovered that hitting high notes and just singing with clarity and projection is an acheivement as difficult to accomplish as learning to play good guitar, SERIOUSLY!


I've taken voice lessons and I've made improvements, but I have a long way to go. Hopefully you're already ahead of the game and just need some strengthening.


I'm not familiar with any specific sites about vocal exercises, but I'm sure there are plenty. there are books on the subject that go into better detail. In the end though, you usually have to seek proffesional training.

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