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Playing hurt.


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At Deep Woods Band rehearsal Thursday, I was working on building a fire in the woodstove when the ax took an odd turn and I cut my index finger. Not the tip, thank goodness, but down a ways, though still on the first segment. Put a bandage on it. Didn't bother me during rehearsal, but we didn't really play much.


Got home, cleaned it up and re-bandaged it. Had a gig that evening. Acoustic instruments. By then it was getting inflamed, sore and a bit swollen. Still not an issue for the most part, but I was reminded of how much I use my index finger for, besides fretting notes with the tip. Playing hurt! So I simplified a lot of what I do and paid more attention to using the other fingers, and got through the night pretty well.


Now it's Saturday morning. The finger is still a bit sore, and it's still oozing enough to discolor the bandage. In all, I don't recommend doing this yourself!

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I had my weekend ruined by a splinter under the fingernail of my first finger.

I had to trim the fingernail way back and do some surgery with a needle to get it out.


An old trick for cuts is to use a tiny dab of crazy glue to seal them.

Its helped me many times being able to play including this last incident.

It cant be bleeding of course but for those annoying superficial cuts it can very helpful.

(CA is actually something commonly used by surgeons to mend delicate tissue).

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I have never broken a bone yet, but I have messed up my shoulder, my back, my shoulder again last year really badly, my foot, my fingers.

I have also been to PT numerous times. It's not that fun playing hurt, but the show must go on.


I need to remind myself I'm not 12 any more.


Did I mention I dropped the weight machine steel I-bean on my noggin and split open my skull. You bleed like stuck pig when you crack open your skull. Make sure you grab plenty of towels if you drive yourself like I did.


Just a heads up on bleeding and heart attacks in the ER. You get to cut to the front of the line.


You also get a tetanus shot, if you can't remember the last time you had one.



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