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  • Sound Magic Releases Imperial Grand, NEO Hybrid Modeling Piano with Artificial Intelligence Assistant

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    Imperial Grand starts with the famous dark, rich Bosendorfer style sound,

    and establishes an incredible level of realism by using patented NEO Hybrid

    Modeling Engine coupled with Artificial Intelligence Assistant Tool. Sound

    Magic's NEO Hybrid Modeling is a completely new way to offer the best of

    both worlds, the Realistic Sound of Sampling and the Playability of

    Modeling. The NEO Hybrid Modeling Engine leads all other virtual pianos by

    providing a smaller footprint, lower latency and a truer, richer sound that

    makes our piano live and breathe! The NEO Hybrid Modeling Engine achieves

    this realistic and authentic sound by using physical modeling to shape the

    sound's "skeleton" and then maps it to a series of harmonic components in

    real time to provide the resonance between the strings and the sound of the

    piano "box". IR and Convolution Reverb provide for a sense of realism

    essential to the live sound. Too often, reverb is added as a gloss to

    emulate playing in some sort of cavern, but here the reverb is replicating

    the reverb that occurs inside of a large vibrating instrument. (You can add

    your cavern playing on top of this essential sound if you need to!)


    The purpose of Artificial Intelligence Assistant Tool (A.I in short) is to

    free musicians from technicians' work and let us focus on our music, not

    continuous controller assignments or tweaking the velocity curves! A.I is a

    bridge which connects your musical feelings and ideas to the technical data.

    With A.I, musicians no longer need to be technicians. A.I will make

    achieving your ideal sound more... well, musical! NO NEED TO REMEMBER arcane

    terminologies, finicky operation steps or the intricate specs of your



    A.I will auto test your keyboard - learn all about it - and then use

    artificial intelligence to make suggestions for you. It is A simple to use

    and it speaks the same language as musicians - YOUR language - not the

    geek-speakS of technicians. A.I will test your keyboard velocity response,

    pedal support and most importantly suggest ways to shape the sound that you

    are looking for. A.I makes it simple to quickly achieve your ideal sound.


    Armed with these Revolutionary HD Velocity Layers, Imperial Grand has a

    truer and richer sound with a touch that's 500 times more sensitive than the

    usual limited 127 velocity layers. Pianists - even classically trained

    virtuosos - will at last be able to bring all the subtle nuances of live

    playing to an electronic setting.


    Have you ever noticed how repeated notes sound dull and artificial when

    played with the same velocity? On Imperial Grand with HD Velocity Layers,

    you will never have this problem because each note you play will have a tiny

    nuance, an almost imperceptible difference that makes Imperial Grand

    startlingly real.


    Imperial Grand achieves a new level of realism by emulating the behavior of

    Piano Legato. When you are playing legato phrases on a real grand piano, the

    transition between two legato notes is created by subtle variations of key

    pressure. Imperial Grand is able to respond to these differences and truly

    allows your sound to sing when playing legato phrases.


    Imperial Grand supports Add-ons, You can choose over 10 different add-ons

    from online store for different usages. Add-ons are like a Swiss army knife

    that will make Imperial Grand fits for different situations or solves

    different problems. Add-ons add different special features to Imperial

    Grand. They help the musicians living with a easier life and could achieve

    their goal in a quicker and precise way. These add-ons are all designed for

    a special purpose or a style of music.


    Here are just some features of Imperial Grand


    Imperial Grand gives you absolute control over every aspect of a piano. You

    can adjust hammer actions, microphone positions, sympathetic resonances,

    dynamics and more. You can even design your own piano!


    HD Velocity Layer supports up to 65,536 Velocity Layers!


    Multi-microphone positions enable users to mix between different microphone

    positions and create new sounds that easily fit into a mix.


    Real Piano Legato make the legato passage so real with a sustaining tone.


    Meticulous Dynamic Response controls enable users to adjust the dynamics of

    the piano, change the keyboard response, and achieve both realism and

    playability at the same time!


    New! Our 264-string Sympathetic Resonance System adds beautiful harmonies to

    both pedal up and pedal down notes.


    Imperial Grand is able to detect repeated notes and activate True Staccato

    Mode which precisely reproduces staccato notes.


    Built-in professional Reverb Engine simulates resonances with environment

    and soundboard, adding extra realism to the sound.


    Actual modeling and soft pedal samples vividly present the sound of three

    kinds of pedals.


    Faster load times. Smaller hard drive footprint, less memory and less CPU



    Imperial Grand now provides standalone and VSTi version running under

    Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7.


    For more details, please visit





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