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  • Expert Panel Discusses Today's Music Industry At NAMM

    By HC News |

    Understanding The New Music Industry
    Expert Panel discusses Today's Music Industry at NAMM
    NAMM, Los Angeles, CA - Mark your calendars for a two-hour expert panel as part of the NAMM TEC Tracks, exploring opportunities in the music industry. 
    The panelists are: 

    • Moses Avalon
    • Shiveley Gene 
    • Matt Forger 
    • Dragon Dennis
    • Frazier Javon 
    • Johnson Ellen 
    • Jeff Weber
    • and Hal Leonard author and music industry marketing specialist Bobby Borg
    The music industry has never been in a state of flux more than it is now. The demise of the CD. The consolidation of major labels. The emergence of streaming. The transition of ownership to access. Instant distribution. What's really going on in the trenches? In the first of a two hour examination of our business, hear not from pundits, but from folks who get their hands dirty from doing what they love: an engineer, an artist, a producer, a music industry consultant and a musician/marketing analyst. Find out how they put food on the table today. 
    Shaped by the past and hardened by the present, discover how these individual industry survivors plan for the music industry of the future. What will our industry evolve to? Will radio matter? Who's listening? How do we get people to listen? Does the peer to peer recommendation engine really provide fertile opportunity for artists to advance their career? Each of our panelists has an opinion and a plan that works for them. Let them guide you to an understanding of the profits and the pitfalls of making music in a time where music has been relegated to a commodity rather than a passion. 

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