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  • DigitalMusician.net Service Launched

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    The online collaboration forum digitalmusician.net is now active after completing its beta phase. Prospective users can now register online for a free standard account. Each month all new registrations qualify for a draw to win one of 3 valuable prizes from DM Digital Musician GmbH and their partners Native Instruments, Ableton and Steinberg.

    digitalmusician.net brings musicians from all over the world together and offers a variety of features. Extended search features, chat rooms, forum and messaging system allow producers and musicians to quickly come into contact with each other. Registered users can make appointments amongst themselves or search for the right professional to do the job. Members can present their projects, preferences and abilities together with demo tracks and photos on their own homepage. Also studios, producers and musicians can offer their services and musical competence via their own studio homepage.

    All members can use the digital musician link (DML) for free and link up with other musicians and studios for online sessions. The DML is a VST 2.0 plug-in, compatible with most contemporary music software, which allows MIDI and audio data to be transmitted and received via the Internet. Delays that occur through Internet transmission are adjusted so that the recordings are always synchronized for the user. The system also has video conferencing and data transfer capabilities.

    digitalmusician.net was founded in November 2004 in Berlin with the goal to develop an Internet-based service for musicians, studios and session musicians. Behind digitalmusician.net are music software pioneers Manfred Rürup and Karl "Charlie" Steinberg.

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