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    Baltimore, MD

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  1. d32xd really nice work. great clarity and use of space. the snare seemed to disappear a bit when it wasn't played hard, altho the cymbal is always clear for time-keeping purposes. brownte dude, the word of the day is 'muddy'. overall, it has the feel of a twice-dubbed cassette tape. details seem lost. in some ways, the separation is better on the older version. (don't mean to sound discouraging! keep recording and experimenting!)
  2. New tune, studio reworked since last time. http://www.geoffreywelchman.com/images/Hit_the_Spot.mp3 Drums are getting better, and I'm happy with the general vibe and the pan lay-out . . any thots on the bassiness? I like it, but would be interested to hear if it sounded too bottomy on anyone's system. tanks.
  3. Wanted to get some feedback on this, my first official home-studio recording. I'm applying things I've learned here on HC! Towit: it's done on a boss br1600, I recorded the drums with "recorderman" overheads plus kick (the snare kinda disappeared in the mix). mic'd acoustic 12 (and overheads) with a km184, bass went thru a UA 610, sang lead into kms 32 . . did backups into the 184s too, just to see what would happen. did some eq on the 12-string, which brought out a nice pick-strum tone. I like the overall feel, and I'm happy enough with the results of trying out new e-quip, but I do realize it reeks of 'demo.' So, any ideas would be cool. http://www.geoffreywelchman.com/images/Spatula!.mp3 also, NEROL . . I really liked the sound on Images, and frankly, the drums didn't bother me at all. my son (13) listens to a lot of metal, and symphonic metal, and I've noticed the drums (especially the kick) are mixed with a lot more "click" than "thwack" than I'm used to. your sound seemed like a good compromise to me.
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