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    Cleveland OH

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  1. Last time this came up and I tried to explain, someone threatened to call Homeland Security and a good time was not had by all. I just think the underlying political machinery is much bigger than any given administration, and unprofitable elements are removed. If your theory is correct, we will be looking at President McCain tomorrow. We'll know in 35 hours. Tic-toc, Clarice...
  2. I'd say "it doesn't matter" because I believe the outcome is predetermined. Not in some spiritual sense, either. Explain.......
  3. FFS - just shoot them both and have doen with it already! It doesnt matter anyway - Whenever someone says "It doesn't matter", they should be locked in a room for 24 hours with eyelids propped a la Clockwork Orange, forced to watch video of George W Bush. It matters. Palin would be much worse than Bush, and he was the worst president in history. Bush is living proof that "It matters".
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