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Win a Guild M-140


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I prefer dreads but I won't say no to a new Guild.


Guild has changed the design of its pick-guard, at least on this model. I think it's a mistake., a miscalculation of the public's mood.


The public may indeed be angry. It may be enraged even to the point of pitch-forks and torches. It may be marching on the castle right now as I write. But that's no reason to pitchfork the baby and toss it into the moat.


A company should not change things willy-nilly. Guild had a shapely pick-guard. One could say it was 'bosomy' in that it resembled ze 2 shapely bosoms. Why tamper with ze shapely bosoms pick-guard? Do the new owners have something against ze shapely bosoms?


This raises serious questions about Guild inc. The future is in their hands. And don't we all agree ze future involves ze shapely bosom-shaped pick-guard?


So what exactly does Guild plan to do with ze shapely bosom pick-guard.



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