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Will a 6V6 Amp Take A 6F6 Tube And Live?

Elias Graves

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The pinouts are the same and the specs aren't crazy different. It really depends on the circuit, like most EL34 amps can also swap in 6CA7s, but you don't want to run old MusicMan amps that were designed around the higher plate voltage handling of the 6CA7s.

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Go ahead and try them.

Just make sure your standing in a puddle of water when you plug them in.



Old radios are cool man but seriously, watch out. You know what you need to get? A THD amp. You can plug almost anything into those suckers without a problem. The only issue is that they are so much fun to experiment with, you'll soon have at least three times what you spent on the amp, invested in pre amp and power tubes.



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Depends on the amp.


The 6F6GT draw more current than a 6V6GT, if your PT can't supply the extra current, you risk blowing it. So, I wouldn't run it in many vitnage/old 6V6GT amps.


It looks like the 6F6GT can handle about 50VDC less plate voltage that the 6V6GT. So, I wouldn't use a 6F6GT in a Deluxe Reverb, or any other amp that is already pushing a 6V6GT really hard.

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