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How to get away with Stealing (Video)


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Quote Originally Posted by isvoid View Post
{censored}ing opportunistic parasites, nature's worst creatures

Innovation --> Siegel's Lifestyle Behavior theory ---> pieces of {censored}.

the problem is, once they get caught, do their time, and get sent out, they have no experience in the real world. Little education. Only street-smart. The recidivism rate is obnoxious as {censored} because they ARE NOT SORRY and show no REMORSE for their actions.

This is why I volunteered to the state this summer for inmate rehabilitation. Basically we hang out with inmates that are being released in the next 3 months, instruct them on how to use a computer to create a resume, job searching, social norms, helping them get on their feet when they are out, etc.

all studies show that it helps, so I am definitely going to do my time thumb.gif
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