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State of the high-tech guitar?

Verne Andru

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As this forum is devoted to "high-tech guitar" I thought this demo might be appropriate to share.




I'm MIDI syncing a Beatbuddy drum pedal (an awesome piece of kit by the way) through a Proteus/1 rack synth (yeah, it's old but still sounds great) into an Infinity Looper. Part of my rig includes a GK pickup triggering a Roland GR-33 guitar synth that is still about as good as it gets as far as this tech goes IMHO.


The double-dano and tube amps keep the vintage tone which I think works well with the high-tech bits.


Aside from what I've got happening here, what other high-tech gadgets am I missing?

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I use a Godin ACS SA classical with 13 pin pickup going through a Axon AX 100 Mark II guitar converter and then MIDI into a yamaha Motif XS rack for my sounds. BUT....if I were to shop today for a MIDI guitar setup....I would say the Fishman Triple play and the FC1 controller that you use without a computer to hook up to your rack synths would be what I would go for. The Jam Origin MIDI Guitar 2 is also fantastic....because you can use ANY regular 6 steel string electric guitar and use it with software like Native Instruments for movie like quality sounds. But for me going live I am satisfied with my setup...though the Jam Origin MIDI Guitar 2 is tempting......BOTH setups are WAY CHEAPER than the setup I have bought....but years ago....it was the best I could get! Today guitarists have so MANY choices when it comes to MIDI guitar, it is insane!


LINKS: Fishman Triple play and FC1




Jam Origin MIDI Guitar 2



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Thanks - good to know about new options.


I too have a Godin nylon Multiac SA. Bought it and the GR-33 together. It was pretty much top of the pile when I got it with the Axion coming out shortly after. I still find that my go-to combo when I have to do a live solo gig.


When I record I usually double-track with the Godin and record the MIDI. I use that as the basis for adding other voices. Aside from cleaning the extraneous notes, it works pretty well.


The GK pickup on the double-Dano gives that instrument a ton of versatility playing live like that demo.


I'm really liking the MIDI sync between the Beatbuddy, rack synth and looper. The Beatbuddy has the ability to load it with your own tracks and order them into a set-list affair, which is next on my list to work out.


The Infinity Looper does series loops, which is handy for verse/chorus arrangements and the BB has 2 types per drum track. Next level would be the looper and drums changing verse/chorus in unison - right now it's a lot of pedal dancing.


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