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Help with some Basics


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Hey guys and gals need some advice/help.   I have spent hours and hours doing scales along to guitar or piano, but I simply cannot repeat a simple 5 tone scale acapella without the instrument.  If I do them along with the instrument I can correct so fast its seems right on,  but take that away give me the starting note and no chance I can repeat it with any consistancy.   Is there a secret I'm missing?

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Can you clarify what you mean?  Do you mean that given a starting note “do” on an instrument you can’t accurately sing up five notes (do, re, mi, fa, so, la) without an instrument to follow along with?  If that’s the case, you probably just need more practice.  Can you tell where you are going wrong?  In other words, are you okay on “do” to “re” but then can’t get “re” to “mi”?  How are you checking yourself, and are you going sharp or flat?

You say that you correct yourself so quickly when singing with the instrument that it seems accurate, but that’s not the same as being accurate.  Maybe you must first be more deliberate in your practice before trying to go a cappella.  Play the note, hear the note in your head, sing the note.

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After really slowing down and just using the major scale I can do the first 3 notes just fine,  its the half steps that wreck me,  I'll really focus for a week or so and do what you said,  hear the note in my head, sing the note.  Thanks!

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i know exactly how you feel! the ear usually needs some time to adjust to the flavour of the scale, and even if the ear knows what it hears, the voice sometimes goes, "huh?!"

very irritating..

anyway here's a video i've found on youtube that might help you get on the right track.

i'm not a very visual learner, meaning i don't rely too much on graphics to learn new stuff.

but you might be one of those musicians who need to have their eyes engaged for the information to sink in.

which sucks because music is a listening art.

anyway, here's the video:


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