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Vocal placement in contemporary styles, like rock?

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Hey guys,

I've been working on my breathing a lot lately, and with that being right on spot now, I have another problem...


I'm having a problem with placement. I find that singing trough the mask may not be the most correct one for singing rock (or I'm wrong). It doesn't give me much freedom with singing this kind of music if I sing in my mask, and it's pretty light sounding, not enough energy.


So can anyone give me any tips on where should I place notes when singing tunes like this one for example:



(The Killers- "Jenny was A friend Of Mine" )


So is it chest, upper throat, soft palete, mask, beyond eyes, top of my head etc...

I just find it hard to find out which spot is the key, where should I place my notes, feel sound vibration, to singing more contemporary louder styles like rock?




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