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Voice Critique


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If you try to rush or force your voice into the higher notes, it can throw off your pitch and timing substantially, and the note will not carry resonance.


Singing up there at B4 is challenging. You cannot create the resonance by pushing. The trick is to get out of the way of the resonance. There are various techniques for this. You can find them in tutorials on Youtube.



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Thanks for the commentary.


Strange, it doesn't really feel particularly forced to me, perhaps not very resonant.


Do you have any particular youtube videos you would recommend for this issue of resonance?



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One approach puts most emphasis on "support", which is what SpamBot mentions. Support involves maintaining a reservoir of air pressure, so that the required air pressure is available instantaneously. The higher the note or harmonics required, the higher the air pressure needs to be, but you don't want that to come with higher air flow.


Air pressure is not something that you can build on the fly. You need to manage a reservoir of air pressure so that the pressure is at the ready -- responsive, otherwise your timing, pitch and resonance will get thrown off. The technique I prefer is "diaphragmatic opposition". Franco Tenelli has many online videos discussing this.


The more control of air pressure that your diaphragm and abs are doing, the less compensation happens in your vocal tract. This frees up your vocal tract to do its main job of acting as a wave guide, relaxing, taking the shape you want for the timbre you want, and channeling the energy to the resonance cavities, like the nasal cavities, pharynx, buccal cavity etc., where the sound gets amplified With this method, resonance comes through the efficiency of a free and relaxed vocal tract.


You may be able to feel a free vocal tract, now, without the enhanced support. The difficulty is how to enhance the support and remain relaxed.

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Part of what is happening in your demo is that you are singing the whole thing in your head voice. The only version of it that I've heard is Bonnie Raitt, and she does the song in chest voice. You could train your chest voice and mid voice to sing in that area and do that with a lot less air.


That would, as has already been pointed out, require a lot of support to cut back the amount of air while slightly increasing the pressure of that flow.



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