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Stay With Me-Cover, any flat notes?

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Listened for a bit. Sounds alright. You hit the first "stay with me" too hard which I find as objectionable as bad intonation which, you don't display. Your ears are good enough. Why you asking about your intonation?


Anyway I imagine the real singers here will have more relevant input.lol

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This sounds very good, and the intonation is good. I can hear what you're talking about, however, on some of the "stays" and other head voice notes. It's your support. From the diaphragm, it could be stronger, and you wouldn't have that feeling that perhaps it isn't as strong (or as stabile) as you could be singing it.


Again, I repeat, what you are doing sounds very good and is quite acceptable. If you're looking to take those high A4's a little further, you could either increase your chest voice range and sing them in a light chest voice/mix, or you can just support more and sing them in head voice like your doing now, but with a little more substance from the diaphragm.


You're on a good track.



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