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It's true, I think you need to work on your confidence. One thing, it's not productive to bash yourself and your own singing. In order to sing well, it needs to be nurtured from something positive, and non-judgmental. Once you can achieve that mindset, then you can start improving your singing. From a technical standpoint, there's too many concepts to cover, even if you acknowledge the vocal concepts, some singers need to find specific ways to accomplish them. The same kind of training or exercises doesn't necessarily work well with everyone, since everyone is unique and different. The best way to improve is to find a voice teacher who can help guide you properly and accommodate your vocal needs and situation. I know you mentioned that you can't afford voice lessons, but its true that you get what you pay for. If you're passionate enough and serious enough, then you will find a way. It beats wasting valuable time and down the line spending years without making any progress. Even if you can only afford one lesson per month, I think it is still good enough to see noticeable improvement.

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