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Much needed feedback please


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I have posted on other sites and gotten little to no feedback. I would like to know what I am doing right, what I am doing wrong, if I sound good or am doing I shouldn't be. I have been trying to really focus on my higher register since I feel it lacks.


Here is me doing a mainly falsetto/head voice song


and here is another with less falsetto


I would love whatever feedback I can get so I can grow. Thanks everyone!

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Thanks for posting. First of all, your range, tone and power is excellent. Here are some things I think that will help you take your voice to the next level:


Your two biggest things are pitch and dynamics. If you address the things I say here, you will REALLY take your voice to a good place:


Your pitch is off quite a lot. I recommend slowing the song down and practicing in slow motion and REALLY breaking down each phrase and ENSURE you are on pitch rather than "just singing". It will help you so much to break down the phrases and repeat them many times rather than just singing through the songs.


Think of your songs in chunks of phrases and work each "chunk" separately on repeat and in acapella. Get to the point where you can then sing the entire song acapella from start to finish and stay in pitch the entire time.


Your range and power is good, one thing that will help you take it to the next level is learning how to add dynamics into your songs. Your phrases are very "straight" - they don't fade in or out or build into anything. Here's a good way to start working on dynamics: Practice singing the song by fading in at the start of each phrase then crescendoing to a loud part to emphasize a certain word then fade out at the end of the line. It will help you give you a starting place.


If you want to really take it to the next level wtih dynamics then try this:

Practice the entire song by doing mezza di voce on each word. So you would start in your lightest sound and swell it to your heaviest and loudest sound then back to your lightest sound then move to the next word of the song. Go through the entire song like this. It will build incredible agility in the voice as it can now go in and out of light to heavy sounds at will.


I hope you find this helpful!

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