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Made a PVC flute!

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First effort is a D major flute, 6 hole. Came out good but not great, it plays a little flat.

Fortunately, each 24" tube costs less than a buck. So anticipating my first would not be great I got three tubes. The first one showed me where the holes should be relative to my own fingers. So I'll do it again, rotating those holes to where I want them, but getting the initial length right.


Once that's complete I'll try a Fajardo wedge in the third iteration.

Then there's the matter of a proper embouchure on my part  lol

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Update: Second one didn't work out. Tried drilling the embouchure on an angle for maximum sharpness of the edge, but the 'lip' edge of the hole chipped and the sound is bad. Tried filing it, to no avail. So I will re-purpose that tube for a different pitch at a later date.

My objective is to obtain a good tone on Db in the low register before I drill any finger holes or cut the tubes to length. The next one will be a straight hole, and then constant testing as I file until I get a good tone. Only aftere I am satisfied with the tone will I cut the tube to length and then drill finger holes.

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Update 2: separated the of my first flute from the rest of the body. Using 1/2" copper as a connector. Made the separation to remove some length, thereby raising the pitch. Interestingly, this configuration is only 1/4" shorter than before while raising the pitch nearly a quarter step.

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