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Soundexchange/Sirius XM royalty problem

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Hello, I have been receiving royalty payments from Soundexchange for several years from an album I did with a label years ago. The bulk of the money comes from Sirius XM plays. I cannot find out who to talk to at Sirius XM or how to find the documentation that verifies my label has been paying me correctly. I do get a monthly spreadsheet from Soundexchange but that doesn't mean that all my plays on Sirius XM are actually reported to the correct Soundexchange account, for example some of my tracks/plays could mistakenly be reported to and paid to the label. Those plays would of course not even appear on my Soundexchange statement. How can I get help policing my label, specifically with regards to Sirius XM payments? The label has been caught in the past by savvy artists making payment "mistakes" so I am not being paranoid. They have acknowledged it.


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