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GPSRoadie App Protects Instruments, Tour Vans, Tour Trailers

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GPSRoadie is now available on the Google Play store.


The app has 2 primary functions - protect instruments and recover stolen instruments.


It works by using smartphones' GPS and cellular location tech to create a virtual fence around the phone. Put that phone in an instrument case, tour van or tour trailer, and that will be protected. If GPSRoadie detects a change in location (it's being stolen), alerts are sent to the contacts you choose (all of the band members). Alerts are sent every minute with a link to the location on Google maps.


I've been doing Screaming Stone Stolen Music Instrument Recovery for 8 years. The time most gear is stolen is when the band is playing (and the tour van is stolen), and at night when the tour van or tour trailer is broken into or stolen. The way we see it, if there are 5 people in the band, one of the member's phones can be used each night to protect the gear, or purchase a cheap used phone and use that (which costs much less than buying a dedicated GPS tracking unit).


Dedicated GPS units (that are accurate enough) cost about $250 plus require a data plan costing $20 to $60 per month. With GPSRoadie, you can buy a used smartphone for $40 and add it to your existing phone plan, and that's it.


If you're not protecting your gear, this is the easiest way to start. Plus, it broadcasts stolen alerts so you can help other musicians get back their gear

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