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The 17th most used phrases

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I just wanted to share some phrases that we use over here in our native language, alright I'll try to translate them for you to understand them, this is all regarding the gigs, and how we handle them, curiously in Spain they use similar para but some words change, so this goes like


1- No se quien toca. (i dont know who plays)

2- No se a que hora empieza el bolo. (I don't know when the show starts)

3- Es lo que hay.(this is what I have)

4- Lo de las cervezas como va? nos dais tickets o pedimos directamente en la barra?.(how is it going with the beers? Or you are giving us tickets? Or we go straight the bar?)

5- El acople es de fuera (para el tecnico de monitores). (feedback is coming from the outside, for the monitor engineer)

6- El acople es de dentro (para el tecnico de P.A.).(feedback is coming from the inside, for the foh engineer)

7- Esque esta sala suena muy mal.(this place it's the one that it's making to sound horrible)

8- Aqui hay algun desfase.(over here we have some phase prob)

9- Este bateria no le pega.(this Drummer doesn't hit)

10- Estan desafinados.(they are out of tune)

11- Faltan subs.(we don't have enough sub's)

12- El ruido es de las luces.(the noise its coming from the lights)

13- Un lomo con queso.(a tbone steack with cheese)

14- Ey! Si! No! Va! Va! (hey, yes, no, ok, ok)

15- Las phantom quien las da?(who provides the phantoms?)

16- Acercate al micro.(get closer to the mic)

17- Tienes papel?(you got paper?) sometimes we reffer to the toilet paper


Hope you understand

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I also forgot to mention that we don't use the word gig or Job, or work on this business, it's very rare and weird to here those, instead we use the word "goat", yes like the animal;


So if you want to ask if you have any job or gig over the weekend, you just ask "do u have any goat over this week? Or weekend? And the people in the industry over here would understand, goat for us means" chivo" the animal, that's in spanish, but "chivo" means job, work

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