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Happy Canada Day!!


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Canada, they tell us, is 150 years old today.


Actually, it's been here much longer, but that's when a bunch of northern European type guys worked something out with the Queen of England, who had never been here. Hardly a geological or even cultural landmark, but we have a big holiday and hoo haw and there will be bands playing in the park etc.


So please play a Canadian song and think about us standing up here on the top of the globe, living the good life, and looking down at the USA and over at Russia and across at China and wish us best of luck in the next 150.

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Happy belated Canada Day !!!!


At one time, I used to gig in Canada, been through British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec.

I very very seriously considering going through the system to ultimately become a citizen, at one time.

I love Canada, it's land, the society and it's people 👍

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