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VR-09 iPad stand/holder?


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Where can I get one (example in pic)? or how to make one? I'd rather have something to hold the lyrics and iPad when I sing and edit the synth paraments. Putting stuff on the keyboard is incovinient because it always gets in the way of some keys/buttons.


Edit: my keyboard is on a wooden table in my room, not on any stand although I do have the On stage X stand folded above the wardrobe. No place in my room, so.


Thanks for help :)

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The thing with holes in it and an iPad on it is a music stand.


Here are a couple of my solutions:


This first one is basically part of a 2nd tier upright for an x stand with a mic bracket (on stage I think) bolted too it. I think I had to chop a bit off the bracket as I seem to recall it was a U shape originally but it works fine. Just screw into one of the x stand cross members that the kb sits on then screw a gooseneck onto the mic screw and an iPad holder onto that (I use a Cris Kenna X clip).







I also have this set up on my mic stand. Very similar except that I did not have to modify the bracket at all.






One other thing I do is to just screw the gooseneck and x clip onto the top of a mic stand (when I don't need my mic). works fine without being too intrusive.

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